Kamala Harris’ Plan to Boost Small Business Growth: Expanded Tax Deductions and Rebates

In 2024, the challenges facing small businesses are as complex as they are numerous. From inflation and rising rents to supply chain disruptions, small businesses are trying to survive in an environment that often feels tilted in favor of big corporations. But Vice President Kamala Harris has made one thing clear: she’s committed to leveling the playing field for entrepreneurs and small business owners. With her Opportunity Economy plan, Harris is focusing on expanding tax deductions and rebates aimed at helping small businesses not only survive but thrive.

This isn’t just a political slogan—it's a tangible set of reforms that could provide real financial relief to the engine of the U.S. economy: small businesses. So, how exactly will Kamala Harris’ plan benefit you as a small business owner? Let’s break it down, section by section, so you can understand how her policies might help your bottom line.

Why Small Businesses Are Struggling in 2024

The first step in understanding how Kamala Harris' plan can help is recognizing the issues currently plaguing small businesses. Simply put, we’re in a tough spot. According to the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA), 99.9% of U.S. businesses are classified as small, but they’re increasingly at a disadvantage. Why? Because:

  • Inflation has driven up the cost of everything from raw materials to everyday supplies.
  • Labor shortages mean that small businesses are struggling to keep fully staffed while trying to meet wage demands.
  • Skyrocketing rent continues to drain profits, making it difficult for small businesses to stay afloat.
  • Supply chain issues have led to delays and price increases, making it harder for small businesses to keep up with demand.

If that wasn’t enough, many small business owners feel that they lack the same access to capital as their larger corporate competitors. This disparity makes it even more difficult to scale, hire new employees, or invest in the future.

Expanded Tax Deductions: A Lifeline for Entrepreneurs

Kamala Harris' Opportunity Economy plan makes small businesses a priority by addressing these very concerns—starting with tax deductions. As any seasoned entrepreneur will tell you, tax deductions are the bread and butter of a sustainable business strategy. Harris’ approach offers significant expansions that could help small businesses reinvest in themselves.

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Expanding the Startup Expense Deduction

One of the standout features of Harris' plan is the expansion of the startup expense deduction from $5,000 to $50,000. If you've ever started a business, you know that the initial costs—think legal fees, permits, technology, marketing, and equipment—can add up fast. The current deduction cap of $5,000 is barely a drop in the bucket for most new businesses.

By increasing this deduction to $50,000, Harris is offering a lifeline to entrepreneurs. This change would allow small businesses to recover more of their startup costs, providing essential breathing room in those crucial early years. Instead of being overwhelmed by upfront expenses, business owners can now direct more of their capital toward growth and innovation.

According to the SBA, the average cost to start a business is around $30,000, meaning this expanded deduction could significantly reduce the financial burden for new entrepreneurs.

Child Tax Credit and Earned Income Tax Credit Expansion

Though these credits are primarily aimed at individuals and working families, they have a ripple effect that directly benefits small businesses. When working families receive tax cuts—such as the expanded Child Tax Credit or the Earned Income Tax Credit—they have more disposable income. More disposable income means increased spending at local businesses.

Under Harris’ plan, the Child Tax Credit will be expanded to give families with newborns up to $6,000 in tax cuts. Additionally, Harris aims to restore the Earned Income Tax Credit, which provides low-to-moderate-income workers with more money to spend on everyday needs—like services and products from local businesses. This boost in consumer spending creates a positive feedback loop, funneling more money back into the local economy, directly benefiting small business owners.

Rebates That Help You Grow

Tax deductions are just one part of the Opportunity Economy equation. Harris also wants to make sure small businesses can capitalize on direct rebates to help offset significant business investments.

Promoting Sustainability through Rebates

If your business is looking to go green, Kamala Harris’ plan offers sustainability rebates that reward businesses for implementing environmentally friendly practices. Whether you’re installing energy-efficient lighting, moving to renewable energy sources, or upgrading your HVAC systems, Harris’ policies provide financial incentives to make those upgrades.

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Incorporating sustainability into your business model isn’t just good for the planet—it’s good for your bottom line. Energy-efficient systems, for example, can significantly reduce operating costs over time. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) notes that commercial businesses contribute substantially to overall carbon emissions. Harris’ focus on incentivizing sustainable business practices is designed to address this while also putting money back into the hands of entrepreneurs who are forward-thinking enough to invest in green technology.

Cracking Down on Corporate Loopholes: Leveling the Playing Field

It’s no secret that many large corporations exploit tax loopholes to avoid paying their fair share. This leaves small businesses—who don’t have the luxury of offshore accounts or sophisticated tax-avoidance strategies—at a distinct disadvantage.

Kamala Harris aims to fix that by quadrupling the tax on corporate stock buybacks. Currently, companies like Apple and Amazon use stock buybacks to artificially inflate their stock prices, a move that mainly benefits shareholders and executives rather than reinvesting in the business or its employees. By taxing these buybacks more heavily, Harris plans to redirect those funds toward strengthening the middle class and, by extension, small businesses.

In addition to stock buybacks, Harris is proposing a billionaire minimum tax. This policy would ensure that the wealthiest Americans—and the corporations they run—are contributing their fair share. The revenue from these taxes would be used to fund programs that benefit small businesses, such as improving access to affordable health care and making investments in infrastructure.

Homeownership Support for Entrepreneurs

Harris recognizes that homeownership is directly tied to financial security. Under her plan, first-time homebuyers will be eligible for up to $25,000 in assistance for down payments, with more generous support for first-generation homeowners. Many small business owners struggle with the dual burden of running a business while also trying to afford a home, especially in areas where the cost of living has skyrocketed.

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By increasing access to homeownership, Harris is helping small business owners stabilize their personal finances, which in turn allows them to reinvest in their businesses. After all, financial security at home translates into better decision-making and risk-taking in business.

The Real Impact: Can Harris’ Plan Help Your Bottom Line?

So, what does this all mean for you, the small business owner? It means more than just a few extra dollars in your pocket. The expanded startup deductions, tax credits, and rebates can provide the capital you need to grow your business, hire more employees, and invest in the future. Meanwhile, Harris' focus on cracking down on corporate tax loopholes will help level the playing field, ensuring that small businesses aren’t squeezed out by big corporations gaming the system.

Final Thoughts: A Future Where Small Businesses Thrive

Kamala Harris' Opportunity Economy is built on the idea that small businesses should have the resources and support they need to thrive—not just survive. By expanding tax deductions, offering rebates, and ensuring that big corporations pay their fair share, Harris is working to create an economic environment where entrepreneurs and small business owners can flourish.

But will her plan work for you? What’s your take on Harris’ expanded tax deductions and rebates? We want to hear your thoughts! Drop a comment below and share your experiences. Don’t forget, you can apply to become a citizen of the "Shining City on the Web" where entrepreneurs and innovators can come together to share ideas and build the future. Like, share, and join the debate today!

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