A Robot Tax To Pay the 100% Jobless and Unemployed due to Automation

Welcome to the brave new world of automation—where robots could soon be flipping your burgers, managing your finances, and maybe even writing better blog articles than I can! (Okay, let's not get carried away here.) But with 2,700 AI researchers predicting full automation of all work—blue-collar, white-collar, and every collar in between—by 2100, the question isn't if this will happen, but how we’ll deal with the consequences.

And let’s be clear, when robots are doing 100% of the work, that’s not just the stuff you hate doing, like pulling weeds or entering data. Nope. That’s all work. Period. Your job, my job, and even that annoying guy in IT who never returns emails (yeah, we’re all looking at you, Gary).

But there’s a silver lining, or maybe it's more of a glittering, high-tech chrome lining. It comes in the form of a controversial, revolutionary concept: the Robot Tax, supported by a Sovereign Wealth Fund. Could this be our saving grace? Let’s break it down.

What the Heck is a Robot Tax?

Picture this: robots are out there doing all the jobs, from making your morning coffee to diagnosing complex medical conditions, while humans enjoy endless Netflix marathons and TikTok binges. But there’s one problem—no one's getting paid. With no jobs, how do we get by? That’s where a Robot Tax comes in.

Essentially, a Robot Tax would slap corporations using AI and automation with a tax. The more robots they employ, the more they pay into a fund. Think of it like a sin tax for automation—but instead of discouraging bad behavior (like soda taxes), it encourages wealth redistribution.

Why Should We Care?

Let’s be honest, the idea of robots doing all the work sounds awesome at first, right? But there’s a massive catch. Without human labor driving income, how do people survive? Sure, a future where robots run the world could be a utopia—or a dystopia, depending on how the wealth from this newfound productivity is distributed.

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If corporations get all the profits and we’re left holding the short end of the stick, we’re on a fast track to a 1984-style nightmare, where the only jobs left are for a small elite. Great news for Jeff Bezos; bad news for everyone else.

Enter the Sovereign Wealth Fund: A Financial Lifeboat?

Now, imagine the wealth generated by automation doesn’t just disappear into corporate bank accounts but instead gets funneled into a Sovereign Wealth Fund—a giant collective piggy bank. In this scenario, profits from AI-driven productivity are reinvested and redistributed back to the people.

Take a moment to visualize this: rather than a small elite controlling the world's resources, citizens themselves hold the key to a massive global portfolio of wealth, one that could fund Universal Basic Income (UBI), education, housing, healthcare, and more.

Suddenly, that future doesn’t seem so grim. In fact, it feels like freedom—financial freedom, freedom from dead-end jobs, freedom to pursue our passions. Heck, maybe even the freedom to be human for the first time.

Real-Life Examples

If this all sounds like a pipe dream, look to Alaska, where residents already receive annual dividends from the state’s oil revenues. That’s right, cold, remote Alaska has already figured out what the rest of the world is sleeping on: redistributing the wealth from natural resources directly to its citizens. Why can’t we do the same with the wealth generated by automation?

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From UBI to UHC: The Evolution of Income

You’ve probably heard of Universal Basic Income (UBI), an idea that’s been floated (and debated) for years. Under UBI, everyone gets a guaranteed paycheck from the government, no matter what. But what if we could take it even further?

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Universal High Income (UHC) is the next logical step. Imagine not just covering the basics but lifting everyone up to a level of prosperity we’ve only dreamed of. This isn’t about handouts—it’s about leveraging the incredible productivity of automation to benefit everyone, not just the corporations.

Chart: The Evolution of Income Distribution

Income Model Description Potential Impact
Traditional Jobs Pay for work, driven by human productivity Limited by job availability, prone to inequality
Universal Basic Income Guaranteed income, no matter your employment status Addresses job loss, but may not support a high standard of living
Universal High Income High, guaranteed income for all, driven by automation profits Financial freedom for all, more wealth circulation in the economy

The Dystopian Alternative: A 1984-Like Future?

Okay, let’s take a moment to go full George Orwell. What happens if we don’t embrace something like a Robot Tax or a Sovereign Wealth Fund?

Without some form of wealth redistribution, we’re staring down the barrel of a future where a few billionaires (looking at you, Elon) control everything. The rest of us? We’re left to scavenge in the digital equivalent of Ready Player One’s stacks—an apocalyptic future of virtual freedom, but real-world suffering.

This isn’t sci-fi. It’s a very real possibility. If we don’t act now.

Thought Experiment: How Would You Spend Your Time in a Post-Job World?

Now, let’s have a little fun. Imagine it’s 2075. You haven’t had to “work” in decades because robots do everything from accounting to farming. What do you do with your time?

Do you start that organic candle-making business you’ve always dreamed of? Or maybe finally write that novel about zombie cat lawyers? The point is, without the drudgery of work, humanity could experience a renaissance of creativity. Freed from the grind, we might unlock levels of innovation, art, and exploration unseen in history.

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But...we won’t get there unless we figure out how to manage the transition from human labor to robot domination—and avoid falling into a dystopian nightmare.

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What You Can Do to Secure Our Future

We’re at a crossroads, folks. It’s time to decide if we’re going to let robots and AI define the future on corporate terms or if we’re going to seize control of the narrative. That starts with understanding concepts like the Robot Tax, UBI, and Sovereign Wealth Funds.

Here’s what you can do:

  1. Stay informed. Don’t let the tech elite shape your future without your voice in the mix.
  2. Advocate for fair taxation of automation. Support policymakers who want to make sure AI profits benefit everyone, not just the top 1%.
  3. Discuss. Debate these ideas in your community and on social platforms. Your voice matters more than you think.

What do you think about a future shaped by robots and a sovereign wealth fund? Is UBI the right solution, or is there another way to navigate the post-labor world? Let’s talk in the comments.

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