Watch Out: These Are the Cars That Are Most Likely to Be Stolen in the US

Car Thieves Love These 10 Models

Grand Theft Auto anyone?  Yeah, it happens often, very often.  According to the National Insurance Crime Bureau (NICB), the top 10 most stolen cars in the United States in 2022 are:

  1. Honda Civic - Over 50,000 reported thefts in 2022. Honda website
  2. Honda Accord - Over 40,000 reported thefts in 2022. Honda website
  3. Ford F-150 - Over 25,000 reported thefts in 2022. Ford website
  4. Chevrolet Silverado - Over 20,000 reported thefts in 2022. Chevrolet website
  5. Toyota Camry - Over 15,000 reported thefts in 2022. Toyota website
  6. Nissan Altima - Over 10,000 reported thefts in 2022. Nissan website
  7. Toyota Corolla - Over 8,000 reported thefts in 2022. Toyota website
  8. Dodge Ram - Over 7,000 reported thefts in 2022. Dodge website
  9. GMC Sierra - Over 6,000 reported thefts in 2022. GMC website
  10. Chevrolet Impala - Over 5,000 reported thefts in 2022. Chevrolet website


  1. Honda Civic

honda-civic-150x150 Watch Out: These Are the Cars That Are Most Likely to Be Stolen in the USThe Honda Civic has been the most stolen car in the US for the past several years, with over 50,000 reported thefts in 2022. This is most likely due to the Civic's great popularity and widespread availability, making it an easy target for car thieves.


  1. Honda Accord

honda-accord-150x150 Watch Out: These Are the Cars That Are Most Likely to Be Stolen in the USThe Honda Accord comes in second on the list of most stolen cars ever, with over 40,000 reported thefts in 2022. Like the Civic, the Accord's popularity and availability make it a common choice target for thieves.


  1. Ford F-150

ford-f150-1-150x150 Watch Out: These Are the Cars That Are Most Likely to Be Stolen in the USThe Ford F-150 is the most popular pickup truck in the United States, and it is also a very popular target for car robbers. In 2022, there were over 25,000 reported thefts of the F-150.

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  1. Chevrolet Silverado

chevy-silverado-150x150 Watch Out: These Are the Cars That Are Most Likely to Be Stolen in the USThe Chevrolet Silverado is another popular pickup truck that is often stolen. In 2022, there were over 20,000 reported thefts of the Silverado.



  1. Toyota Camry

Toyota-Camry-150x150 Watch Out: These Are the Cars That Are Most Likely to Be Stolen in the USThe Toyota Camry is another popular car that is often stolen. In 2022, there were over 15,000 reported thefts of the Camry.



  1. Nissan Altima

nissan-altima-150x150 Watch Out: These Are the Cars That Are Most Likely to Be Stolen in the USThe Nissan Altima is another popular car that is often stolen. In 2022, there were over 10,000 reported thefts of the Altima.



  1. Toyota Corolla

toyota-corolla-150x150 Watch Out: These Are the Cars That Are Most Likely to Be Stolen in the USThe Toyota Corolla is a popular compact car that is also often stolen. In 2022, there were over 8,000 reported thefts of the Corolla.



  1. Dodge Ram

dodge-ram-150x150 Watch Out: These Are the Cars That Are Most Likely to Be Stolen in the USThe Dodge Ram is a popular pickup truck that is also often stolen. In 2022, there were over 7,000 reported thefts of the Ram.



  1. GMC Sierra

gmc-sierra-150x150 Watch Out: These Are the Cars That Are Most Likely to Be Stolen in the USThe GMC Sierra is a popular pickup truck that is also often stolen. In 2022, there were over 6,000 reported thefts of the Sierra.



  1. Chevrolet Impala

Chevrolet-Impala-150x150 Watch Out: These Are the Cars That Are Most Likely to Be Stolen in the USThe Chevrolet Impala is a popular full-size sedan that is also often stolen. In 2022, there were over 5,000 reported thefts of the Impala.


A Serious Problem

Car theft is a serious problem in the United States, with over 700,000 vehicles reported stolen in 2022. In addition to causing inconvenience and financial loss for car owners, car theft can also be dangerous. Criminals often use stolen cars to commit other crimes, such as burglaries or robberies, which can put the public at risk.

How To Protect Your Car?

To protect your car from being stolen, it is important to take some basic precautions. First, always lock your car and close the windows, even if you are only leaving it for a few minutes. Second, never leave valuable items, such as laptops or wallets, in your car where they can be easily seen. Third, consider installing an anti-theft device, such as a steering wheel lock or a car alarm, which can deter thieves.

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On top of that, it is very important to be aware of your surroundings and to park in well-lit, busy areas whenever possible. If you think your car is being followed or is in danger of being stolen, do not hesitate to call the police. By taking these simple precautions, you can help protect your car and keep yourself and others safe.

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