Empowering the Next Generation: The Best High Schools in New York Revealed

The Best High Schools in New York Revealed

Top High Schools in New York

New York boasts some of the finest high schools in the country. If you're a parent or a young professional with kids, knowing how these schools stack up and what makes them shine is crucial.

Ranking Overview

When checking out the best high schools in New York, you'll find they are ranked based on several key factors. U.S. News reviewed nearly 17,660 public high schools out of about 25,000 for the 2024 Best High Schools rankings. These rankings consider elements like student outcomes in math, reading, and science state assessments, scores on college-level exams, and graduation rates (U.S. News).

Factors Influencing Rankings

Several factors influence the rankings of high schools in New York. Knowing these can help you make a smart choice about where to enroll your child.

College Readiness Index (CRI)

The College Readiness Index is a big part of the rankings. It measures how many 12th graders took and scored well on Advanced Placement (AP) or International Baccalaureate (IB) exams. The CRI has two parts: quality-adjusted participation (75%) and simple participation rate (25%) (U.S. News).

Factor Weight (%)
Quality-Adjusted Participation 75
Simple Participation Rate 25

State Assessment Proficiency

State Assessment Proficiency makes up 20% of the ranking. This factor looks at how students perform in math, reading, and science state assessments. Schools' total assessment scores are compared with other schools in their states to see how they stack up (U.S. News).

State Assessment Performance

State Assessment Performance, also weighted at 20%, compares schools' total assessment scores with what U.S. News predicted for a school with its demographic characteristics in its state. This highlights schools whose assessment scores exceeded expectations (U.S. News).

For more details on how these factors come together to rank the top schools, check out our section on the ranking methodology.

By understanding these factors, you can see what makes certain schools stand out. Whether you're interested in public schools in New York, best private schools in New York, or top colleges in New York, this knowledge will help you make the best decision for your child's education.

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Notable High Schools

When checking out the best high schools in New York, a few names always pop up. Let's take a closer look at three standout schools: Xavier High School, Stuyvesant High School, and Fiorello H. LaGuardia High School.

Xavier High School

Xavier High School, smack dab in the middle of New York City, offers a ton of clubs and activities for students to dive into. This helps them grow and learn beyond the classroom. As a parent, I love how the school balances academic excellence with personal development through these extracurriculars.

Key Features Details
Location New York City
Clubs & Activities Tons available
Focus Academic and personal growth

Curious about other top private schools? Check out our list of the best private schools in New York.

Stuyvesant High School

Stuyvesant High School, or just Stuy, is one of nine specialized high schools in NYC. Known for its tough academics and competitive admissions, Stuyvesant is a dream for many students. The school churns out high achievers who often head to top colleges in New York and beyond.

Key Features Details
Location New York City
Type Specialized high school
Admission Super competitive

Want to know more about public education options? Visit our page on public schools in New York.

Fiorello H. LaGuardia High School

Fiorello H. LaGuardia High School of Music & Art and Performing Arts, located in Lincoln Center, is famous for its focus on the arts. Every year, thousands of aspiring artists apply. Notable alumni include Jennifer Aniston (Class of 1987), Nicki Minaj (Class of 2000), and Sarah Michelle Gellar (Class of 1995) (NY Daily News). LaGuardia is the go-to for students passionate about music, art, and performance.

Key Features Details
Location Lincoln Center, NYC
Focus Music, Art, Performing Arts
Notable Alumni Jennifer Aniston, Nicki Minaj, Sarah Michelle Gellar

For more insights on schools in the city, visit our page on New York City schools.

High Schools with Famous Alumni

New York's got some of the best high schools around, and they've churned out some pretty impressive folks. Let's check out three schools that have alumni who’ve really made a splash.

George Westinghouse CTE High School

Brooklyn’s George Westinghouse Career and Technical Education High School has a knack for producing stars. Here are a few big names:

  • Jay Z: The rap legend and business mogul.
  • Busta Rhymes: Another heavyweight in the rap game.
  • Michael K. Williams: The actor who wowed us in "The Wire" and "Boardwalk Empire."

These folks didn’t just make it big—they became icons, showing just how much George Westinghouse CTE High School shaped their paths.

John Dewey High School

Also in Brooklyn, John Dewey High School has its own list of standout alumni. Check out these names:

  • Colin Quinn: The comedian and actor you’ve seen on "Saturday Night Live" and "Tough Crowd with Colin Quinn."
  • Angie Martinez: The radio personality and rapper who’s a big deal in the music world.
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John Dewey High School’s progressive education model clearly helped these stars shine.

Erasmus Hall High School

Erasmus Hall High School, one of New York’s oldest, has a history of producing talent. Here are some of its most famous former students:

  • Barbra Streisand: The iconic singer, actress, and filmmaker.
  • Clive Davis: The legendary music executive and producer.
  • Bern Nadette Stanis: The actress best known as Thelma Evans from "Good Times."

Erasmus Hall’s long-standing commitment to excellence has clearly paid off for these stars.

High School Notable Alumni
George Westinghouse CTE High School Jay Z, Busta Rhymes, Michael K. Williams
John Dewey High School Colin Quinn, Angie Martinez
Erasmus Hall High School Barbra Streisand, Clive Davis, Bern Nadette Stanis

These schools show just how much potential New York’s educational institutions have. Want to know more about other top schools? Check out our articles on public schools in New York and best private schools in New York. And if you’re looking at colleges, don’t miss our guide to the top colleges in New York.

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Student Achievement in NYC

When talking about the best high schools in New York, it's key to see how student achievement in New York City stacks up against the rest of the state. Let's dive into NYC vs. state performance and the differences between charter and traditional schools in the city.

NYC vs State Performance

Turns out, students in New York City are giving their peers across the state a run for their money. According to the Manhattan Institute, NYC students outperform others in the state across all racial groups. White students in NYC score 19 points higher in ELA and 14 points higher in math. Black students in NYC also shine, scoring 13 points higher in ELA and 10 points higher in math.

Student Group NYC ELA Score State ELA Score NYC Math Score State Math Score
White Students +19 - +14 -
Black Students +13 - +10 -

Charter Schools vs Traditional Schools

In NYC, charter schools are knocking it out of the park compared to traditional public schools, especially for black and Hispanic students. Black students in charter schools score 35 points higher in math and 23 points higher in ELA than their peers in traditional public schools. Hispanic students in charters also have a leg up, scoring 27 points higher in math and 16 points higher in ELA.

Student Group Charter Math Score Traditional Math Score Charter ELA Score Traditional ELA Score
Black Students +35 - +23 -
Hispanic Students +27 - +16 -

Charter schools in NYC are clearly delivering better results than district schools, which already perform better than district schools elsewhere in the state. This makes charter schools a strong contender for parents looking for the best high schools in New York.

Want to know more about public schools in New York? Check out our section on public schools in New York. And if you're thinking about private education, our insights on the best private schools in New York might come in handy.

Top Counties in New York

Let's take a look at how different counties in New York stack up when it comes to education. It's a mixed bag, with some counties shining bright and others, well, not so much.

Performance by County

When you think of the best high schools in New York, the county they're in plays a big role. Four counties in New York City—Manhattan, Queens, Staten Island, and Brooklyn—are among the top 10 in the state. Manhattan, for instance, is second in English Language Arts (ELA) and third in math (Manhattan Institute).

Check out this table for a quick rundown:

County ELA Rank Math Rank
Manhattan 2 3
Queens 4 5
Staten Island 7 8
Brooklyn 6 6
Bronx 56 56

Manhattan's doing great, but the Bronx? Not so much. In math, the Bronx is just six spots from the bottom.

Disparities in Math and ELA Scores

The gap in educational performance among New York counties is pretty stark, especially in Math and ELA scores. Students in NYC's public and charter schools generally outperform those in the rest of the state, no matter their race. White students in NYC have a 19-point lead in ELA and a 14-point lead in math over their peers elsewhere. Black students in NYC are ahead by 13 points in ELA and 10 points in math (Manhattan Institute).

Charter schools in NYC take it up a notch. Black students in charters outperform those in traditional public schools by 35 points in math and 23 points in ELA. Hispanic students in charters also do better, with a 27-point lead in math and a 16-point lead in ELA (Manhattan Institute).

Here's a table to break it down:

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Group Traditional Public Schools Charter Schools
White (ELA) +19 N/A
White (Math) +14 N/A
Black (ELA) +13 +23
Black (Math) +10 +35
Hispanic (ELA) N/A +16
Hispanic (Math) N/A +27

For more on how public schools in New York are doing and other educational insights, check out our related articles. Knowing these differences can help parents and professionals make better choices for their kids' education.

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Graduation Rates in New York

Statewide Graduation Rate

When checking out the best high schools in New York, graduation rates are a big deal. In 2023, New York's statewide graduation rate hit 86.4%, a slight dip from 87% in 2022 (Syracuse.com). This number gives us a snapshot of how high schools are doing across the state.

Year Statewide Graduation Rate
2022 87%
2023 86.4%

Regional Graduation Rates

Graduation rates can swing quite a bit depending on where you are in New York. In 2023, 18 school districts hit a perfect 100% graduation rate for their seniors. Plus, 156 districts across the state had graduation rates of 95% or higher (Syracuse.com).

In Central New York, which covers Cayuga, Cortland, Madison, Onondaga, and Oswego counties, the top districts in 2023 were DeRuyter in Madison County, Pulaski in Oswego County, and Westhill in Onondaga County, each rocking a 97% graduation rate (Syracuse.com).

But not every area did as well. The Syracuse City School District, the biggest in Central New York, had a graduation rate of 69% in 2023, down from over 77% two years before. This put Syracuse at No. 647 statewide. Among the largest Upstate New York city school districts, only Rochester did worse, with a 67% graduation rate, tying for 648th place in New York.

County School District Graduation Rate
Madison DeRuyter 97%
Oswego Pulaski 97%
Onondaga Westhill 97%
Onondaga Syracuse City 69%
Monroe Rochester City 67%

For parents and students eyeing public schools in New York, it's crucial to keep these regional differences in mind. High schools with stellar success rates, like University Heights Secondary School in The Bronx, which has nailed a 100% graduation rate multiple times, are standout choices. This school also boasts a 99% college readiness rate, beating both borough and citywide averages (NYC Department of Education).

To dive deeper into the top colleges in New York and other educational resources, check out our related articles.

Top High Schools in New York: A Parent’s Guide

Finding the right high school for your kid can feel like a Herculean task. As a parent, you want the best for your child, and New York has some stellar options. Here are three high schools that consistently rank at the top, each offering unique opportunities for students to thrive.

Queens High School for the Sciences

Queens High School for the Sciences at York College is the cream of the crop in New York (US News). This school is a haven for budding scientists and mathematicians, offering Advanced Placement® courses that let students earn college credits before they even graduate high school. The focus on STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) sets students up for future success.

Metric Value
State Ranking 1
College Readiness Index 100%
AP® Participation Rate 100%

Curious about other public schools? Check out our article on public schools in New York.

Stuyvesant High School

Stuyvesant High School, smack dab in New York City, holds the second spot in the state (US News). Known for its rigorous academics, Stuyvesant offers a plethora of Advanced Placement® courses and has a strong focus on STEM. The diverse student body and competitive atmosphere make it a magnet for high-achieving students.

Metric Value
State Ranking 2
College Readiness Index 99.9%
AP® Participation Rate 95%

Want to know more about top schools in the city? Dive into our article on New York City schools.

High School Math Science and Engineering

High School Math Science and Engineering at CCNY, also in New York City, ranks third in the state (US News). This school offers a specialized curriculum focused on—you guessed it—math, science, and engineering. Like the other top schools, it also offers Advanced Placement® courses to help students get a jump start on college.

Metric Value
State Ranking 3
College Readiness Index 99.8%
AP® Participation Rate 90%

Thinking about private education? Our guide to the best private schools in New York has you covered.

These high schools aren't just about hitting the books; they're about building a community of passionate, driven students. Whether your child is a future scientist or just loves a good academic challenge, these schools offer some of the best opportunities in New York. For more info on top educational institutions, check out our guide to top colleges in New York.

Ranking Methodology

Figuring out the best high schools in New York isn't just about test scores. We dig into several factors to make sure our rankings show not only academic smarts but also how well schools get students ready for college and life.

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College Readiness Index

The College Readiness Index (CRI) is a big deal in our rankings. It checks how well a school preps its students for college by looking at their Advanced Placement (AP) and International Baccalaureate (IB) exam scores. The CRI is based on how many 12th graders took these exams and how well they did.

Here's how we break it down:

  • Quality-adjusted participation: 75%
  • Simple participation rate: 25%

So, it's not just about how many students take the exams, but how well they score. If you want to know more about how these exams help with college readiness, check out our article on top colleges in New York.

Here's a quick look at the CRI calculation:

Indicator Weight
Quality-adjusted participation 75%
Simple participation rate 25%

For more details on how CRI affects the rankings, you can refer to U.S. News.

State Assessment Proficiency

State Assessment Proficiency is another key factor, making up 20% of the overall ranking. This looks at how students perform in state tests for math, reading, and science. By comparing schools' scores to others in the state, we get a good idea of how they stack up.

We look at:

  • Math scores
  • Reading scores
  • Science scores

These scores are then compared across schools within the state to see who's doing better. For more on how these tests matter, check out our section on public schools in New York.

State Assessment Performance

State Assessment Performance, also 20% of the ranking, considers the demographics of each school. It compares actual test scores with what you'd expect from a school with similar demographics. This helps us spot schools that are doing better than expected.

Here's a quick table to show the weight of these factors:

Indicator Weight
State Assessment Proficiency 20%
State Assessment Performance 20%

This method gives a full picture, showing schools that not only teach well but also help students beat the odds. For more insights, check out our articles on best private schools in New York and New York City schools.

For a detailed breakdown of how these assessments influence the rankings, you can refer to U.S. News.

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Factors in Ranking

When figuring out the best high schools in New York, a few things really matter. Two biggies are how well students do on state tests and how many kids actually graduate.

State Assessment Performance

State tests are a big deal for seeing how smart kids are in different subjects. In New York, they look closely at how students do in English and math. According to the Manhattan Institute, kids in New York City, whether they're in regular public schools or charter schools, usually do better than kids in the rest of the state. This is true for all racial groups.

Racial Group NYC Advantage in ELA (points) NYC Advantage in Math (points)
White Students 19 14
Black Students 13 10

Charter schools in NYC are even better. For example, black students in charters do way better than those in regular public schools.

Racial Group Charter Advantage in ELA (points) Charter Advantage in Math (points)
Black Students 23 35
Hispanic Students 16 27

These numbers are super important for ranking high schools because they show how well schools teach and get students ready for the future. For more details on how public schools in New York perform, check out our page on public schools in New York.

Graduation Rate Analysis

Graduation rates are also a big deal. A high graduation rate means a school keeps and graduates a lot of its students, showing it's doing a good job overall.

In New York, graduation rates vary a lot. According to the Manhattan Institute, New York City's system, which serves over a million students, has big differences across its counties. Manhattan, Queens, Staten Island, and Brooklyn are among the top 10 counties in the state, but the Bronx is way behind.

County ELA Rank Math Rank
New York (Manhattan) 2nd 3rd
Bronx Near Bottom Near Bottom

These rankings are key for parents and students picking the best high schools. They show which schools consistently deliver high academic performance and successful student outcomes. For those interested in exploring the top-performing high schools in different counties, our section on New York City schools offers in-depth information.

Knowing these factors helps you make smart choices about the best schools in New York. For more insights into other top educational institutions, you might also want to check out our article on the top colleges in New York.

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