How do I know if my partner is cheating?

How do I know if my partner is cheating?

Suspecting that your partner might be cheating is terrifying and involves a lot of pain and sometimes triggers deep insecurities.  This is normal!  We're all scared to go there or to think that of a loved one but that doesn't mean we stick our heads into the sand and act as if our suspicions or our doubts are not there. 

We have to summon our inner strength and courage and ask ourselves the difficult questions without getting to emotional or anxious.  Lord knows our minds tend to go to the darkest, most extreme possibilities but we can control that by being patient and good with ourselves.  It's not easy and it can be difficult to really tell if your partner is cheating, as people often try to hide infidelity but there are some telltale signs that may indicate that your partner is being unfaithful. They include:

      1. They are suddenly more distant or less affectionate.
      2. They are more secretive about their phone or computer usage.
      3. They start paying more attention to their appearance, or start dressing differently.
      4. They start working longer hours or going out more without explaining where they are going.
      5. They are less interested in spending time with you or participating in activities that you used to enjoy together.

Keep in mind that these signs don't necessarily mean that your partner is cheating, as there could be other explanations for these behaviors. If you have concerns or suspicions about your partner's behavior, it's important to communicate openly and honestly with them about your feelings. It can also be helpful to seek the support of a therapist or trusted friend or family member.

Did you know? Nearly 24% of marriages affected by infidelity reported staying together.

In addition to these signs that your partner might be cheating, here are 10 tips or actions to actually try to prevent cheating in the first place and possibly make your relationship stronger.

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10 Simple Steps to Prevent Cheating and Strengthen Your Relationship

      1. Be honest and upfront with your partner in terms of your own feelings and wants, as well as your willingness to hear their perspective. Regular check-ins and frank discussions about relevant issues can help with this.
      2. Thank your partner, tell them you love them, and do thoughtful things for them like making their favourite meal or giving them a modest present to show how much they mean to you.
      3. Spend quality time together and make your partnership a top priority. Whether you want to go out on dates or prefer quiet nights in, it's important to make time for each other. Try to put your relationship first and schedule regular time together.
      4. Keeping bitterness and fury inside can poison every connection you have with someone else. To go ahead and enhance your relationship, make an attempt to forgive, even when it's hard to do so.
      5. When arguments or disagreements emerge, it's important to remember to keep your cool and focus on finding a solution that will satisfy both parties. It's important to keep the conversation about the problem at hand, rather than launching into personal assaults.
      6. Try to put yourself in your partner's shoes and see things from their point of view to better comprehend their feelings and motivations. Your relationship and ability to communicate with one another can both benefit from this.
      7. The act of physically touching your lover, whether by holding hands, cuddling, or hugging, is a potent expression of your love and affection for them.
      8. When your conversational partner is talking, make an effort to listen carefully and show that you care about what they have to say. It's rude to interrupt someone or try to juggle tasks while they're talking.
      9. Consult a therapist, close friend, or relative for advice and comfort: Seeking the advice of a counsellor or reliable friend during times of relationship difficulty can be quite beneficial. Someone on the outside can give you a fresh look at your relationship and give you practical advice on how to improve it.
      10. Strive for a balanced life by dividing your time between work and personal pursuits. In order to keep your relationship from suffering, it's essential that you strike a balance between your professional and personal responsibilities. Set aside time for your partner and make an attempt to limit your work obligations.

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