Magic Formula Investing – Beginners Guide


When it comes to investing or financial matters the problem isn't that there isn't enough information out there but actually that there is a whole lot, so much that it becomes overwhelming and can lead to analysis paralysis.  Whether were talking about investing in cryptoassets like Bitcoin, Ethereum and Cardano or conventional assets like stocks, mutual funds or bonds getting the right kind of information is key.  So, if you want to start and you want to know more about magic formula investing, this short article can help.

This approach is extremely simple and it's an excellent way for a newbie to start, however there are a few things you will require to do initially in order to be ready to start investing.

Here are the things you have to take care of to make sure you are in the ideal monetary place to get started with you investing career:

1.   Expect modest investment returns

Even the smartest investors don't regularly make over 20% on investments so you need to make certain to not pay this kind of money in interest payments. For that reason, take some time before you begin investing to settle all your credit card and vehicle loans that have a high interest rate. Because when you get these settled you will have even more cash to invest, and it won't put a big hole in your budget plan considering that this is cash you were currently investing monthly anyhow.  And if you calculate all the cash you'll save on interest, you can actually add a lot to your savings.

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2.   Don’t invest until you have a handle on your finances

Set some money aside in a savings account once you've tackled your most pressing credit card or loan obligations. You don't have to be debt-free to start investing but you do have to have a very good handle on your finances.  You can't be too much in the red.  It's a sad truth but many people have avoided or lost the good habit of saving, and when the economy gets bad, many folks really get in big trouble. Take the cash you were paying on some of your credit cards to build and grow a savings account. Don't even think about investing till you have enough in the savings account to cover your basic living expenses such as rent, mortgage, food, utilities, insurance coverage, etc for at least 4 months (though 6 months worth would be better). Once you've got your emergency fund set up you can begin considering investing, not before!

3.   Choose exchanges and apps with low or no fees

Because the magic formula will require you to sell and buy of assets you want to ensure that you aren't paying fees through the nose when it concerns your transactions. Spend some time to research and discover low fee trading or exchange apps that you can open an account with.

No one is going to win every time they buy cryptocurrencies or stocks. There are no guarantees involved with purchasing via any exchange, nevertheless, if you utilize the magic formula investing method you can considerably reduce your risks while increasing your profits. The biggest thing you have to do before you jump in with both feet is to get your finances in order.  They don't have to be perfect, but they shouldn't involve you drowning in debt or going broke.

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That way you'll not only free up money for investing, but you will also jump into the investment arena with a much better attitude...and a lot less stress. You should never begin investing because of desperation.  Being desperate to make money will affect your best judgement and increase the chances of making transactions based on emotions and that is the best way to ensure you lose absolutely everything. Get in the right financial position first, that's the magic formula!

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