Small Business Owners: How Harris’ Tax Policies Can Save You Money in 2024

Illustration of a small business owner looking optimistic with upward-trending charts, symbolizing tax savings and financial relief in 2024.

If you’re a small business owner, you’ve probably felt the financial squeeze more than most. Between inflation, rising rents, supply chain delays, and labor shortages, it feels like you’re constantly playing financial Whack-a-Mole. But what if I told you there’s hope on the horizon? Kamala Harris has your back with a new set of tax policies designed to provide much-needed relief in 2024.

Whether you're running a tech startup in Silicon Valley or a local bakery in Kansas, Harris' policies could mean keeping more of your hard-earned money. Let’s break down exactly how these tax policies can save you cash in 2024 and beyond.

Understanding the Struggles of Small Business Owners

Running a small business is tough. It’s the American dream, sure—but it comes with a lot of stress. Here are just a few of the financial challenges small businesses face:

  • Rising operational costs: Inflation has driven up the price of everything, from raw materials to electricity.
  • Labor shortages: Workers are demanding higher wages, and small businesses often don’t have the margins to compete.
  • Sky-high rent: Commercial real estate costs are increasing, particularly in cities.
  • Complex tax regulations: Navigating the tax code can feel like you need an accounting degree, and every missed opportunity is money left on the table.

Kamala Harris understands these challenges. As Vice President, she’s already worked to pass laws that support small business growth, and now she’s taking it a step further with her 2024 tax relief plan.

Key Components of Harris’ 2024 Small Business Tax Plan

So, what exactly is Kamala Harris offering to small business owners? Let’s take a look at the key components of her tax relief policies that could save you money.

Expanded Startup Tax Deduction

One of the standout policies in Harris’ plan is the expanded startup tax deduction. If you’re launching a new business in 2024, you could qualify to deduct up to $50,000 in startup expenses. This is a game-changer, considering the average small business startup costs are around $30,000, according to Forbes.

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Think about it: Instead of writing off a measly $5,000, which barely covers legal fees and office furniture, you could deduct enough to significantly reduce your taxable income. This means more cash in your pocket to reinvest in your business, whether it’s hiring new staff, upgrading equipment, or simply paying off that initial loan faster.

Child Tax Credit and Earned Income Tax Credit Restoration

While these credits are aimed at individuals and families, they have a trickle-down effect for small businesses. When working-class families have more money, they tend to spend it locally, driving up sales at small businesses like yours.

Harris is proposing to restore and expand the Child Tax Credit and the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC). Under her plan, families with newborn children could receive a tax cut of up to $6,000. This puts more disposable income into the pockets of your customers, helping local businesses thrive.

Corporate Tax Crackdown: Leveling the Playing Field

If you’ve ever felt like the tax system is rigged in favor of big corporations, you’re not alone. Companies like Amazon and Apple pay a fraction of what small businesses do in taxes, all thanks to clever loopholes.

Kamala Harris is committed to fixing that. Her plan includes quadrupling the tax on corporate stock buybacks, a move that targets massive companies that artificially inflate their stock prices. By cracking down on corporate tax dodgers, Harris aims to make the system fairer for small businesses, ensuring that the playing field is more level.

In other words, no more giant corporations paying less in taxes than the small bakery on the corner.

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Cutting Healthcare Costs

Harris’ plan also includes measures to reduce healthcare costs for small business owners and their employees. She’s building on the success of the Affordable Care Act by making tax credit enhancements permanent. What does this mean for you? Lower healthcare premiums for your employees and potentially reduced out-of-pocket costs for small business owners who pay for their own insurance.

According to, Harris’ policy could lower healthcare premiums by an average of $800 per year, freeing up more cash for you to reinvest in your business.

How Much Can You Really Save?

Now let’s get down to brass tacks: How much money can you actually save under Harris’ tax policies? Here’s a simple breakdown:

Policy Potential Savings
Startup Tax Deduction Up to $50,000 in startup costs deducted
Child Tax Credit Expansion $6,000 per family with newborns
Healthcare Tax Credit Enhancements $800 in savings per employee on average
Corporate Tax Crackdown A fairer tax system = fewer unfair competitors

Combined, these policies could result in thousands of dollars in savings for small business owners, depending on your business size, industry, and location.

A Human-Centered Approach to Tax Policy

Harris’ policies aren’t just about cutting taxes—they’re about empowering small businesses to compete in a market that often feels tilted toward big corporations. By giving small business owners access to more resources, lower costs, and a more equitable tax system, Harris is aiming to create an economy where local entrepreneurs can thrive.

But here’s the important part: this isn’t just a tax plan. It’s a vision for a future where small businesses are the beating heart of the American economy. Harris understands that small businesses are the backbone of our communities, providing not only jobs but also local culture, innovation, and services that big corporations simply can’t offer.

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What Does This Mean for You?

So, will Kamala Harris’ tax policies actually make a difference for your small business? If you’ve been struggling to keep up with rising costs, her plan could offer you the breathing room you need. From the expanded startup deduction to healthcare cost savings, Harris is offering small business owners a real opportunity to save money in 2024.

But the real question is: What will you do with that extra cash? Will you hire new employees, expand your product line, or reinvest in marketing? The possibilities are endless, and with Harris’ plan, you’ll have the resources to make your entrepreneurial dreams a reality.

Let us know what you think! Do Kamala Harris’ tax policies sound like a win for small businesses? Drop a comment below and join the conversation. And don’t forget to apply to become permanent residents and citizens of the "Shining City on the Web" where small business owners can connect, grow, and thrive. Like, share, and let’s get the debate started!

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