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January 2022 will mark the beginning of my fifth year of poetry. In retrospect, I realize the noteworthy contributions of several people who have made light of poetry and openly shared their funny wisecracks, their cluelessness and admirable dismissiveness and more.

So, I decided to pay tribute to a select few in the following anonymous honor roll of the wackiest things I have heard people say about poetry.

This is a snapshot I compiled over the years that simply couldn’t go unnoticed…nor untold. So, with no further ado here are the best of the best nuggets of comical content about poetry:

”Roses are red, violets are blue, I’ll put this poem to bed and leave it to you.”

”Wow! It’s FABULOUS but I don’t really get it.”

”Come on, man! Give me some of your pearls of wisdom.”

”Poetry?!? Ah! okay…good luck with that!

”Come here my poet! I only know one and it’s you.”

”I have a hard time understanding poetry, I’m just a songwriter and a musician you know.”

”Maybe it’s not the best time of day for me to understand poetry.”

”I planned on going to the slam poetry show but my car broke down”. Reply: Okay, I’ll pick you up then… ”It’s okay you don’t need to, maybe next time.”

”My son used to attend slam poetry events but he never bothered to invite me because he thought I was too old to enjoy them.”

”I heard people turn into lunatics when they write too much poetry”

”With that voice of yours, trust me…All I need are my headsets and it’ll take me away!”

”I love romantic and compassionate poetry but people of my generation (young) would rather act tough than show their soft side.”

”I wish I could say something but I’m speechless.”

”It’d be great to go to the slam poetry event tonight. But what is it exactly?”

”Slam poetry that sounds interesting. I love attending new kinds of events in the city so when’s the next show?” Reply: It’s on Friday. ”Ok I’ll be there but I won’t bring my wife because she won’t like it.” Friday comes  (**crickets).





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If you’ve asked yourself that seemingly simple question before and came up empty or full of answers, my philosophical response is that it cannot be defined with a few well-chosen words. As poetry is as infinite as the mind and spirit that animates them can grow to express and as boundless as the universe itself.

Words are strictly the vehicle used to travel through it, the spirit is what opens the ways to steer it in various directions and the mind is what chooses the way to go.

Again, that’s what makes poetry one of the most ”expansive” ways to travel. When the proper inspiration is harnessed, coupled with a keen sense of organic thoughts and imagery, a poem starts boasting the uncanny ability to stretch the limit of anything we hold to be true and simple to either support it, confront it, beautify it, question it, love it, defeat it, tame it, etc. The course followed does not necessarily know the exact wording of the end nor does it care for it as there is, in my mind, only a sole purpose: bring it to bear with integrity. As there are always backstories, personal references, or anchor points to which the words are attached and should gravitate towards to make it one’s own, relatable and genuine creation.

This process can trigger a ”back and forth” movement in the mind until it swings forward, fixates and feels fulfilled. Then the process continues in a sequence of massaging the spirit of the poem via regular repetition to capture its identity or essence in order to maintain its overall cadence/tempo and the words that best represent it. Repeating the composition out loud countless times  is an exercise that can either make or break a poem as it needs to pass the rigorous exercise leading up to the tougher test…the test of time. If I love the poem as much the last time as I did the first…I got a winner! Otherwise, I amend or tweak as I see fit. This is also the period where I memorize the creation effortlessly as ”practice makes permanent.”

The identity of the poem is primarily the feeling that it conveys (emotions, gesturing, tone…) and the spiritual expression that it dictates. Every poem has a different vibe and your energy is what brings it to life. It’s usually expressed in a fairly unique way and all the facets of voice modulation and more make up the tempo. All words used are objects of your toolbox that establish connections and carry your message through people’s imagination.

Truth be told, you’ll hear the word ”like” very sparingly or not at all in my poems. It simply doesn’t resonate with me poetically nor phonetically and sounds too common. Therefore I substitute it with the following words: ”such as”, ”same way”, ”as” etc.

Lastly, I will finish with the main catalyst of each poem: the title. I view it as a kindred spirit or a little brother or sister to inspiration. Once the title is chosen, the process of visualization combusts to mentally outline the few elements required to layout the ”poem’s landscape” and start writing. There have been instances when I could picture the ending of a poem at the title stage but the poem’s spirit ultimately saw it differently.

So…poetry rules.

*This description explains in broad terms my process of writing poetry.

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Think you got what it takes to correctly answer these poetry-related questions without cheating?

When you’re done, you can view the right answers in the Poetry Trivia Answers post.

1 – Which country is commonly known as the ”pais of poetas” (land of poets) for its highly-valued poetry tradition? 

*Hint: The South American country owns Easter Island

2 – What is the name of the poetic form which consists of 3 lines made up of 5 syllables in the first line, 7 syllables in the second line and 5 syllables in the third line?

*Hint: The phonetic sound of the second syllable is similar to that of the word ”neck” pronounced in French

3 – Which 20th-century famous athlete jokingly pronounced one of the shortest poems ”Me Wheeee!!” in front of a large audience.

*Hint: He was a boxer

4 – According to Writers Digest author KM Barkley’s article ”8 Reasons Why Poetry is Good for the Soul”, fill out the blank in this statement: ”Poetry is _______________ for the reader.”

*Hint: A day at the spa

5 – How many poems did the most prolific English language poet, John Bradburne (U.K.) complete in his lifetime?

a) around 2,000               b) around 4,000                    c) around 6,000                d) around 8,000                  e) around 10,000

*Hint: Uhm! I won’t make it to that number lol.

6 – What is the fear of poetry called?

*Hint: Think of a subway in a city

7 – How was legendary Chinese poet, Li Po, rumored to have died?

a) He ate too much one evening and passed out                 

b) He was drunk on a boat at night and tried to grab the moon’s reflection in the water   

c) He was attacked by a swarm of killer bees 

d) He fell ill after drinking 2 bottles of Baijiu in the morning 

e) He died on the same day as his lovely spouse

*Hint: Come on! He’s a poet.

8 – What did American poet, Lucille Clifton, answer to the question: ”How do you have time to write poetry while raising 6 children?”

a) My car parked in the garage always pulls me over 

b) Shhh…my husband wrote most of them and I pay him handsomely after sunset!   

c) I write in between a scream, a love tap, a peanut butter sandwich and a talk to you later 

d) Poetry at all costs…I have magic in this mind of mine   

e) Why do you think my poems are so short?

*Hint: The one that made you laugh the most is most likely the right answer

9 – What is an acrostic poem?

*Hint: It’s a great way for children to start writing poetry

10 – Which Canadian poet took center stage at the Vancouver Winter Olympics opening ceremony in 2010?

*Hint: If you get the answer strictly with the man’s initials ”SK”, you deserve a medal and a spot on the podium.

Got all your answers down?

Go to the ‘Poetry Trivia Answers (STEP 2)” post

Thanks for playing and I trust you have learned a lot!


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1 – Which country is commonly known as the ”pais of poetas” (land of poets) for its highly-valued poetry tradition?

Answer: CHILE 

2 –  What is the name of the poetic form which consists of 3 lines made up of 5 syllables in the first line, 7 syllables in the second line and 5 syllables in the third line?

Answer: HAIKU 

3 – Which 20th-century famous athlete jokingly pronounced one of the shortest poems ”Me Wheeee!!” in front of a large audience.


4 – According to Writers Digest author KM Barkley’s article ”8 Reasons Why Poetry is Good for the Soul”, fill out the blank in this statement: ”Poetry is _______________ for the reader.”


5 – How many poems did the most prolific English language poet, John Bradburne (U.K.) complete in his lifetime?

Answer: AROUND 6,000

6 – What is the fear of poetry called?


7 – How was legendary Chinese poet, Li Po, rumored to have died?


8 – What did American poet, Lucille Clifton, answer to the question: ”How do you have time to write poetry while raising 6 children?”


9 – What is an acrostic poem?


10 – Which Canadian poet took center stage at the Vancouver Winter Olympics opening ceremony in 2010?


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” Your poetry is deep” – Martin

”I’ve studied Edgar Allen Poe’s literature and your poetry reminds me of his work” – Dina

”Wow! This is great” – Montini

”I will read your poem entitled ”Tribe of Visionaries” at the start of each of my team’s general meetings. It will motivate them.” – Guerda

”Your poetry is so beautiful” – Tarah

”I can’t believe you can write like that” – Jackie

”I really love your poetic style” – Tyrell

”I’m a new poet and I look up to you” – Ryan

”This is so nice!” – Ferline

”I love the way you end your poems. That’s what does it for me.” – Manou

”Keep writing…you have talent!” – Joseph

”I write poems and I wish I could write mine like this” – Jenessa


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Really enjoyed listening to Liquid Sunshine by Kwantum Peakz . From the start, you caught my attention and created some closeness by sharing moments of intimacy. Diversity and inclusion are at the forefront in all its forms. Humanoid 2.0, Insomnia, Libra Love and Tribe of Visionaries (thank you for those) are my favorites. I hope readers’ perspective will grow with your writing. Some great quotes from the book: ”…all of it, feeling it, fooling it!”, ”A sun splash to the face in a world of space”, ”Through time, unlike yawning scissors of time” and sooo many more! ‘BRAVO!!!! – MANOUCHECAR
It was a pleasure to hear all of your poems…I got both versions and today to and from work I had my first listen of your no music Liquid Sunshine! Wow! I need more time with every poem but the universe made it such that no pause or rewind was permitted. So a soulful in the moment attention was my experience and loved it. Now I want to dig in and relive it. Next I will venture into the music version! – MAY
I just wanted to praise Kwantum Peakz for putting together such an amazing volume that taps into various parts of one’s inner self. While I enjoyed both version of the book, the one with music is my favorite as it allows a moment of pause and the words to sink deeper into the soul. I appreciate the author’s careful curation of the right type of music to accompany each carefully worded verses! I’m looking forward to relieving these moments by listening yet again. What’s your favorite version? – GUERDA
I’m thoroughly enjoying your words Kwantum Peakz what a beautiful medley of sentiments. This is my very first listen, I will definitely give it another go. My favorites so far are Insomnia and Libra love. I laughed a little at the one about the rat. Your tone is engaging, not monotone, and the music chosen to accompany your words put the listener in the right ambiance.
I have a request, I will listen again but I would like a table of content so I can better identify each piece. Awesome work!– CHRYSTELLE
Kwantum gave us a variety in his poetry. From flow, to metaphors, to double entendres. Driving 101 was one of my favorite chapters. The analogies used referring to a vehicle was brilliant beyond creativity. The word play was genius as well. Many times you need to pause and rewind to make sure you don’t miss anything. Kwantum we got a first hand experience on how deep and profound you can be. All that is left to see is how far high is your ceiling and where it will peak. – ALEX
Oh! So many ranges of emotions have awaken in me by just listening to your audiobook. Truly and simply beautiful! – NANCY
I got introduced to Liquid Sunshine and am in so much awe! Your words are beautiful and magically interwoven. I have a deep appreciation for your talent. – STEPHANIE
I was immediately captured. In addition to displaying wonderful poetic craft, and extremely clean prosaic composition, Kwantum Peakz’ introduction to Liquid Sunshine and the first few poems I read exhibited a level of transparent authenticity that I seldom encounter.  – T.A.
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”If your dreams don’t scare you, they aren’t big enough.” – Muhammad Ali (credit also due to a woman from Mali, Africa)

‘‘Always understand that you should take what you do with deadly seriousness but you should never take yourself too seriously’’ – Michael E. Dyson

‘‘Don’t go through pain, grow through it’’ – YouTube Motiversity – Fearless Video

‘‘Your attitude determines your altitude’’ – Friend of Steve Harvey

‘‘An idea without action becomes delusion’’ – Timothy Ferriss

”Affirm yourself more without moving your lips” – KRS-One

”If I don’t take care of myself, I can’t help you.”  – Mahatma Gandhi

”Your reputation is you. It’s the you that goes before you. You can’t control your reputation, it talks to people on your behalf. It’s multidimensional.” – KRS-One

”Ease is a greater threat to success than hardship.” – Denzel Washington

”If you suppress the gift, you rob the world of the gift.” – Bernadette Logue

”What you appreciate, appreciates.” – Darren Hardy

”I can, I will, I must.” – YouTube Motiversity – Grind Video

”Follow your passion first.” – Kobe Bryant (YouTube: Mamba Mentality Motivational Speech)

”Happiness is an emotional response to an outcome. Joy is not a choice, it is a constant. It is the joy that we have from doing what we are fashioned to do.” – Matthew McConaughey (The 13 Truths – YouTube Motivational Speech)




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HOST : Kwantum Peakz, welcome and thanks for joining us!

KWANTUM PEAKZ: Pleasure’s mine and thanks for having me.

HOST: This is your first interview and it is a well-deserved one considering your years of experience as a poet as well as a slam poet. Those who know you well would say that there’s plenty to be said about you but I’m sure those who have just recently discovered you would appreciate knowing more about Kwantum, the writer. What would you like to tell them about your background? 

KWANTUM PEAKZ: Well, the genesis of my story is rooted at the age 10 or 11. Even back then, I was a thinker but I was also bashful and reserved especially in large settings. Thankfully, I was somewhat committed to writing novels about my short life and puppy love mostly…You know it just felt right to me. I also participated in speech contests at my elementary school. Writing was a reliable outlet to express thoughts that as a pre-teen I didn’t bother to share with anybody. Then fast forward a few years later, I was introduced to rap music. The 1980’s and 1990’s was the golden age of rap music, I naturally gravitated towards it because the combination of wordplay, great beats and the unfiltered and uncut content was so powerful and provoking to me. Around that time, the rapper LL Cool J released a set of very original songs on his album entitled ‘’Bad’’. Some songs were sampled off Doo-Wop and Hard Rock but there was a smooth ballad, a slow jam entitled ‘’I need love’’. (Kwantum’s rendition: When I’m alone in my room sometimes I stare at the walls and in the back of my mind I hear my conscience call tell me I need a girl who’s as sweet as a dove for the first in my life I see I need love. There I was giggling about the games…). Remember now! I used to write about puppy love around that time so that song resonated with me. I believe it was one of the first songs I practically knew by heart and truly embraced. Years later, a TV show called Def Poetry presented by Russell Simmons on the HBO channel, now on YouTube, featured a long line-up of outstanding and very eclectic slam poets from the United States. The poets on the show also left their mark on me and opened my eyes even wider to the possibilities and my thoughts marinated more and more…The whole process was very incremental over several years. And here I am. 

HOST: Okay that’s very interesting background information. With such an exposure and appreciation for words, I understand a lot better the sources of your inspiration, which have led you to write poetry. But what was the actual spark that actually got you to write poems? 

KWANTUM PEAKZ: Ha! The short answer is a bald eagle. Seriously! I had never seen one close-up until the day I went trekking in an park about an hour from where I used to call home. The eagle just took flight from a tree top over head, it was so majestic and fabulous. When I got home, I grabbed a pen and paper to write about what I had witnessed…You know…In poetic form. I didn’t think twice about it, my time was up to start writing again…At least for fun. So, that poem about the eagle is called ‘’The Miracle of Life’’ and is in my soon to be released audiobook. 

HOST: Wow! So, despite your earlier immersion in music and Def poetry, they hadn’t led to any concrete action on your part. So, an eagle created Kwantum Peakz? Is that what you’re saying to us? 

KWANTUM PEAKZ: To a certain extent, yes. Little did I know that the eagle laid the groundwork for the dream and long term vision. I wrote the ‘’Miracle of Life’’ around year 2000 but bear in mind that my intent was far removed from becoming a slam poet or writing a book of poems. I was simply writing out of love of words and plain personal gratification. I didn’t really have a mission but I had a longstanding desire to scribble words and have fun with them again.

HOST: Okay, then what happened? 

KWANTUM PEAKZ: Life happened. Between building a career, buying homes, relationships, getting married, having and raising children, travelling, breaking up, spiritual renewal, new opportunities and fresh outlooks and so on. All of them completely reshaped my mindset and perspective on life for the better. Everything happened because it needed to and I am grateful to be able to express my truth in every way it occurred. After ‘’The Miracle of Life’’, I wrote a couple of poems called ‘’Midnight Walker’’ and ‘’Keys to our Degrees’’ I wrote poems about girlfriends at the time as a tribute to them but also about my general trials and tribulation in both English and French languages. Then in 2017 my writing became much more purposeful and driven and in late 2018 Kwantum Peakz was born, as a slam poet.

HOST: Is it safe to assume that women have inspired you to a certain extent?

KWANTUM PEAKZ: Shhhhhh…They don’t need to know. I can blame LL Cool J for that as well as Anita Baker, Kem, Avant, Joe and the list goes on.

HOST: Oh! So I see you enjoy R&B music as well? 

KWANTUM PEAKZ: Oh! Yes, most definitely. 

HOST: Alright that’s good to know especially for all of the R&B fans out there. Let’s talk to the slam poet side of you now. Tell us about your first opportunity to performing your poems in front of an audience? How was that like? 

KWANTUM PEAKZ: Sure. It was a spur of the moment decision actually because I had been a spectator at the slam events for a while. But that day, I reached the front door of the venue and distinctly recall thinking to myself: ‘‘Keep the $7 cover charge in your pocket, you’ll be slamming tonight.’’ The event is free for performers. So, I signed up for the slam contest on the entry form at the door. I could have eased into it by trying the open mic format, stress-free but I wanted to test the waters of competition from the outset. Then at some point, the host called up my name and I was in. My poem received several finger snaps of appreciation, my heart was thumping out of my chest from the excitement and my mouth was desert dry at the end of it, I could have sworn I wasn’t breathing for about 3 minutes but my delivery was good and I was happy. I became even more natural with time. I didn’t win the contest by the way. 

HOST: Nice! Well, we’re glad you survived that experience and lived to spread the joy about it. Now, as many of us already know your audiobook will be launched on January 17th at 7:30pm (Eastern Standard Time in North America) with details to come on that date on your Kwantum Peakz Facebook page. So that’s (K-W-A-N-T-U-M / P-E-A-K-Z). People will learn what your name means by listening to the audiobook. How are you feeling 2 days before the upcoming launch of your book? 

KWANTUM PEAKZ: Wow! I feel eternally indebted to a flying eagle I can tell you that much. I feel incredibly fortunate for my life’s experiences to be expressed as they were in the book. Everything just feels right and done the right way. With 2 days to go, I feel like I’m tipping my hat to 5 years ago, January 17th, 2017, when I felt something in my spirit shift and it walked me through this entire process. I never ran through it but I definitely paced myself and stayed in my lane. You know at this point, I find that it’s hardly about me anymore but more about the ways my poems will be received and perceived by people. I represent an infinitely small piece of poetry and it’s not something I’m taking lightly because I love it so much.

HOST: Well, that can partially explain what makes your poems so meaningful and rich. Can you tell us a little bit more about what people can expect from your audiobook?

KWANTUM PEAKZ: Ha! I can crack open a few things. They can expect to listen to the end result of great cooperation between myself and a few chosen ones that I care a lot about. They know who they are. I narrated the content, selected the music and one special person put it all together ( If you already have a liking for poetry, this could supplement it and if you’re fairly new to poetry, then welcome to a new kind of poetry and I hope you enjoy the music-free version or with the beats. Both versions are available on the website (January 17 *music-free version no longer available on this site ) in the shop section. I also have to extend another big thanks to my webmaster whose been instrumental in providing me with a great platform to go public.

HOST: Absolutely, teamwork makes the dream work. Finally, what can we look forward to from Kwantum Peakz in 2022?

KWANTUM PEAKZ: 2022! It should be the year of the updated and expanded Liquid Sunshine hard cover book, if all goes smoothly, it will be released in the summer. And maybe there will be more pleasant surprises. Who knows? I’m still writing and keeping busy for now.

HOST: Kwantum Peakz, it was great to hear your story. I personally will be visiting your website to purchase your audiobook. Any final thoughts? The floor is yours.

KWANTUM PEAKZ: Alright, thanks for the opportunity. I’ll say this. At the Ottawa Urban Legends Poetry Collective events, the poet is forbidden to address the audience until he or she is told to: “SPEAK!” from inside the gladiator circle. So, I have spoken and now I truly look forward to hearing from all of you online or by other means. And…you won’t need my permission to speak to me. Browse the website, buy the book and I trust your love for poetry, as a whole, will grow fonder.  Peace and love. 

HOST: Kwantum, thanks again and we’re all counting down the days to the 17th.